Oncologist in Eagle Pass
Our Oncologist & Hematology Department at Maverick County Hospital District specializes in cancer diagnosis and treatment. With our caring and professional staff like Oncology Dr. Miranda Eagle Pass, Texas, we manage our patients’ care throughout the course of the disease, starting with the diagnosis. Additionally, we specialize in treating blood cancer like leukemia and lymphoma, and other types of blood disorders such as sickle cell anemia and hemophilia. If you’re looking for an oncologist in Eagle Pass, MCHD is here to serve you!
Oncology Dr. Miranda Eagle Pass, Texas
Dr. Miranda is a triple board-certified specialist in medical oncology, hematology and internal medicine, highly experienced in providing comprehensive care to patients with the most common types of cancer and blood disorders. After completing postgraduate training in top universities, our oncologist in Eagle Pass worked for 5 years in Arizona providing private academic patient care, clinical research, and teaching.
Oncology Doctor Near Me
Our Oncologist in Eagle Pass then joined a prestigious oncology treatment group in Phoenix/Scottsdale. Three years later the medical community of Laredo invited Dr. Miranda to help fill Laredo’s need for quality cancer treatments and services. Since 1999, Dr. Miranda and his staff have worked very hard to improve patient care for those affected with cancer in Eagle Pass and the surrounding communities of Webb, Hebbronville, Zapata, and Hidalgo.
Oncology at MCHD
To schedule an appointment with our Oncologist in Eagle Pass at Maverick County Hospital District, please call us at 830-757-4900 & (830) 757-4901. You also have the convenience of booking an appointment through our website. Visit us at https://www.mchdep.org.
If you are looking for an orthopedic surgeon in Eagle Pass, Texas, Maverick County Hospital District ready to offer you exceptional service. For more information, please call us at 830-757-4900 or (830) 757-4901 to get in touch with a general surgeon in Eagle Pass. We are available Monday through Friday 9:00 AM to 11:00 PM and can be reached out at (830) 757-4901 or via email at info@mchdep.org.
To learn more about oncology, please click here.