Licensed Marriage Therapist in Eagle Pass
Our Licensed Marriage Therapist in Eagle Pass at Maverick County Hospital District focuses on promoting health by alleviating marriage, family, and individual distress and dysfunction. A family’s patterns of behavior influences the individual and therefore may need to be a part of the treatment plan. In marriage and family therapy, the unit of treatment isn’t just the person – even if only a single person is interviewed – it is the set of relationships in which the person is embedded.
Licensed Family Therapist Near Me
Our Licensed Marriage Therapist in Eagle Pass focuses on healing and growth in family relationships. Systemic thinking and practice serves to view clients in a personal and social context. It is through dialogue and a collaborative interchange among couples and family members that understanding is discovered.
If you are looking for a therapist near you, please contact Maverick County Hospital District at 830-757-4900 or (830) 757-4901.
Licensed Therapist in Eagle Pass
Our therapist in Eagle Pass assess, diagnose and treat mental illness and psychological distress within the context of the marriage and family systems. They may provide premarital counseling, relationship counseling, child counseling, and separation and divorce counseling.
Some of the typical tasks that our therapist in Eagle Pass, TX might perform on a regular basis include: Diagnosing and treating mental disorders, Conducting psychotherapy with individuals, couples, and families, Developing treatment plans, Helping clients develop new interpersonal communication skills, Collecting information about clients through self-report inventories, interviews, observations, discussions, and formal assessments.
If you are looking for a Family Therapist near you, please contact Maverick County Hospital District at 830-757-4900 or (830) 757-4901.
Therapist Elias Diaz in Eagle Pass
Therapist Elias Diaz in Eagle Pass is highly trained, experienced and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Eagle Pass. He believes in facilitating individuals, couples, and families, helping them to realize their relationship goals.
If you are looking for a Marriage and Family Therapist near you, Dr. Diaz in Eagle Pass, Texas at Maverick County Hospital District is available for your care. Please contact us at 830-757-4900 or (830) 757-4901 to get in touch.
If you are looking for a marriage or family therapist in Eagle Pass, Texas, Maverick County Hospital District ready to offer you exceptional service. For more information, please call us at 830-757-4900 or (830) 757-4901 to get in touch. We are available Monday through Friday 9:00 AM to 11:00 PM and can be reached out at (830) 757-4901 or via email at To find more information about marriage and family therapy, please click here. We hope to see you soon!