The Maverick County Hospital District Medical Financial Assistance Program (MCHD/MFAP) helps eligible residents of Maverick County, Texas pay for approved medical care. Financial Assistance in Eagle Pass depends on your income, what you own, where you live, other help you receive or could receive and other items.
Financial Assistance Near Me
The Indigent Program is available to eligible residents of Maverick County who are not eligible for Medicaid or do not have any other form of health coverage. Eligibility for Financial Assistance MCHD is based on residency, income, and resource guidelines per household. Once enrolled, the Indigent Program will establish a co-pay and monthly payment plan based on total household income and family size. MCHD does not own or operate a hospital but eligible clients may receive services through the local hospital and other contracted providers.
If you are looking for Financial Assistance in Eagle Pass, please contact Maverick County Hospital District at 830-757-4900 or (830) 757-4901 or fill out our Contact Form.
Financial Assistance in Eagle Pass
The Financial Assistance near me through the Indigent Program covers services that include primary care services, hospital in-patient services, Emergency Room services, specialty care services, hospital out-patient services, and prescription services. For additional information please call (830) 757-4950 or complete an application and submit it to our office at 3406 Bob Rogers Dr. Eagle Pass, TX 78852.
Financial Assistance in Eagle Pass, TX
Maverick County Hospital District works through a network of health care partners. You can learn more information or download medical financial applications for Financial Assistance in Eagle Pass, TX by visiting our website and clicking on Indigent Program/MFAP under Social Services.
If you are looking for Financial Assistance near you, please contact Maverick County Hospital District at 830-757-4900 or (830) 757-4901. You can also schedule an appointment by visiting our Contact page here. To learn more about Indigent Programs, please click here.