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Diabetes Self-Management Classes & Nutritional Services

Through its Diabetes Self-Management Education program, Maverick County Hospital District is educating patients who have been diagnosed with diabetes on how they can better control their disease.

The Diabetes Education Program focuses on ensuring that each person served by the program has appropriate information regarding diabetes and other nutrition-related illnesses.

MCHD’s Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Manrique Fuentes – LD, and staff are ready to assist the community and help patients take charge of their individual health, wellness, and care.

Maverick County Hospital District understands that nutrition education is integral to optimal health maintenance,” stated Chief Executive Officer Alma Martinez. “Our strategy through the Diabetes Self-Management Education program includes a diabetes overview, stress and psycho social adjustment, family involvement and social support, nutrition, exercise and activity, medication, monitoring glucose and interpreting results, and many more services.”

For more information regarding our Diabetes Self-Management classes, or to answer questions and help you prevent, delay, or manage diabetes, please contact Maverick County Hospital District’s Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Manrique Fuentes, LD at (830) 757-4900 or (830) 757-4901.

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