Ryan White Program

The Ryan White/HIV Social Services Programs are state and federally funded and were established to improve the quality and availability of care for low-income, uninsured and underinsured individuals and families affected by the HIV/AIDS disease.

Subject to the availability of funding, these programs will cover the following services:

  • Program will provide assistance with certain outpatient medical services, lab, pharmacy and other medical needs such as prescription drugs, medical and dental examinations, etc. These services are determined by the Medical Case Manager and the Program Director. The program is the payer of last resort and may be used only when no other resources are available (i.e. Medicare, Medicaid, Private Insurance, etc.)
  • Program provides assistance with a limited amount of travel costs for eligible clients who need transportation to and from doctor’s appointments. This is limited to twice a month, but in certain unusual cases, the Program Director or Medical Case Manager may determine to make exceptions to the above guidelines based on client needs. Generally, the program will assist the client who travels in their own car with a gas voucher. In some cases the program will provide vouchers to pay for bus fares.
  • In certain circumstances, the Medical Case Manager, Program Director, or staff may provide transportation services to clients in Ryan White Program vehicle.
  • Food vouchers may also be provided, and are prioritized for clients with highest financial needs. The Program Director and/or Medical Case Manager shall determine such priority.
  • HOPWA housing assistance and supportive services. This provides Housing, Utility, Short Term Rent, Deposits, and Hotel accommodations to eligible clients.
    • HOPWA services are available to all persons who qualify for the assistance, regardless of their race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, familial status, or handicap.
    • Households must meet the following criteria to be eligible for the DSHS HOPWA Program: (1) At least one household member must be living with HIV. (2) Household annual gross income cannot exceed 80 percent of area median income for the household’s county of residence, and (3) The household must reside in the counties of Dimmit, Edwards, Kinney, La Salle, Maverick, Real, Uvalde, Val Verde, or Zavala.

Who is Eligible to Participate?

Persons are eligible for program services as long as they meet the following requirements:

  • Diagnosed with HIV/AIDS (lab results or doctor’s statement is required to verify diagnosis)
  • Reside in our service delivery area, which consists of Maverick, Val Verde, Kinney, Uvalde, La Salle, Dimmit, Real, Edwards, and Zavala Counties
  • Clients must be under the 500% federal poverty limit to qualify for program services.

Visit MCHD’s Ryan White Program at the Social Services Building, get tested for free and receive lunch on us!


Maverick County Hospital District

3406 Bob Rogers Dr.#250
Eagle Pass,TX 78852

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